English catalog

Films 1 - 20 of 230 in total
« La Belle Ferronnière »

« La Belle Ferronnière » SVODVODDVD

With André FISCH, Copyist from Leonardo DA VINCI

In his painting school in Paris 12th, Andre Fisch recreates Leonardo's painting exhibited at the Louvre, "La Belle Ferronniere" over a dozen sessions.

14th of July

14th of July SVODVOD

As a couple of elders wander through the streets of Paris, feelings start to come back and emotions arise…

1943, a pause in the Holocaust

1943, a pause in the Holocaust SVODVOD

1943. While the “Final Solution” raged in Europe, the Italian Army protected the Jews in the areas they occupied. For 9 months a small alpine village in the South of France, 64 kilometres North of Nice, is changed into an Eastern European “shetel”. 

71° loneliness North

71° loneliness North SVODVOD

My name is Nathalie. I get on my skis in Ivalo, Finland. I load up my sled and I welcome, with a grimacing pleasure, on my shoulders and the small of my back, its 71 kilos of gear. All my life fits in there, and will, for the two and half months to come. I put in that too, I know, my doubts and hopes.

A Grin Without a Cat : Part 1

A Grin Without a Cat : Part 1 SVODVOD

It focuses on global political turmoil in the 1960s and '70s, particularly the rise of the New Left in France and the development of socialist movements in Latin America. Using the image of Lewis Carroll's Cheshire Cat, the film's title evokes a dissonance between the promise of a global socialist revolution (the grin) with its actual nonexistence.

A Grin Without a Cat : Part 2

A Grin Without a Cat : Part 2 SVODVOD

It focuses on global political turmoil in the 1960s and '70s, particularly the rise of the New Left in France and the development of socialist movements in Latin America. Using the image of Lewis Carroll's Cheshire Cat, the film's title evokes a dissonance between the promise of a global socialist revolution (the grin) with its actual nonexistence.

A Parallel(es) Life

A Parallel(es) Life SVODVODDVD

A dive into French Underground through its bookshops and by extension, what is spread there. Since1972, several generations of seekers have spent time in the Parallèles bookshop.

A step Sideways

A step Sideways SVODVOD

Distant adventures, long-term travels, Damien loves them. But he does not think it necessary to cross 36 meridians for the thrill of exploration and discovery to be at the "rendez-vous". In 2012, he initiated a series of small-scale local adventures, in the french mountains.

A Tomb For Khun Srun

A Tomb For Khun Srun SVODVODDVD

Khem looks into her father's history, Khun Srun, a Cambodian writer who joined the ranks of the Khmer Rouge in 1973 and was executed by them in 1978. She meets some survivors, a cousin, an aunt, and workers in a railway workshop who knew her father.

A world of tea

A world of tea SVODVOD

Yellow, green, white or black. Before tasting and savouring tea, its lovers can enjoy its look and its smell. From China to Japan through India and Sri Lanka, this documentary deals with every aspect you need to know about tea, its story and how to enjoy it.



With Gueorgui CHICHKINE, Pastellist Master.

Gueorgui CHICHKINE, Guest of Honour to the Société des Pastellistes de France during the Feytiat International Pastel Festival in 2008, near Limoges, painted, in a mill from the region, a riding a scene for the painting "Spirit of Nature".

An Untouchable Among the Dead

An Untouchable Among the Dead SVODVOD

Tiruvikrama Mahadeva collects abandoned corpses in Bangalore, in the south of India. He earns respect for the work he does but is considered an untouchable as he touches dead bodies.

Anissoroma, my friends

Anissoroma, my friends SVODVOD

"In 1978, I made my first trip to West Africa. More than a quarter of a century later, I've retraced my steps in search of those who left their mark on the memory of the young man I was."

Aptenodytes Forsteri, the Emperor Penguin

Aptenodytes Forsteri, the Emperor Penguin SVODVODDVD

Description of the scientific program which aims to discover the mysterious aspects of the emperor penguin in Terre Adélie (Antarctic).



Part 1 : Long Live Global Warming
12 months expedition, 18 000 nautical miles, 21 legs, 9 seas, 9 countries, to call attention to the necessity for international initiatives in favour of the environment.



Part 2 : Total Meltdown
12 months expedition, 18 000 nautical miles, 21 legs, 9 seas, 9 countries, to call attention to the necessity for international initiatives in favour of the environment.



Part 3 : Pacific Attitude
12 months expedition, 18 000 nautical miles, 21 legs, 9 seas, 9 countries, to call attention to the necessity for international initiatives in favour of the environment.



Part 4 : Politically correct ?
12 months expedition, 18 000 nautical miles, 21 legs, 9 seas, 9 countries, to call attention to the necessity for international initiatives in favour of the environment.



There are so many choices in everyday life ! Everyone has their own journey, their own direction, their own azimuth.
Olivier Higgins and Mélanie Carrier chose a journey, but most would call it a long adventure, approximately 8000 kilometers long. Riding their bicycles through Asia. Along the way, they discover the world, but over all, they discover themselves. Who are they? What is their place in this world? Do we not all have a common "azimuth"?

AUROVILLE The city the earth needs

AUROVILLE The city the earth needs SVODVODDVD

For 1968, in the South of India, an utopian town develops and attracts inhabitants of all countries of the world. Auroville is an ambitious experience, a kind of laboratory from where will perhaps come out the ideal town of the future.

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