English catalog produit en “2006”

 3 Films


There are so many choices in everyday life ! Everyone has their own journey, their own direction, their own azimuth.
Olivier Higgins and Mélanie Carrier chose a journey, but most would call it a long adventure, approximately 8000 kilometers long. Riding their bicycles through Asia. Along the way, they discover the world, but over all, they discover themselves. Who are they? What is their place in this world? Do we not all have a common "azimuth"?

Emma's way


Two young women from provincial France, Emma and Thérèse, share the same passion and commitment. As students and then teachers in the prewar Thirties, they ignore convention; they dream of leaving France and raising a child together...

What's under Saint Nicolas beard

What's under Saint Nicolas beard SVODVODDVD

Recurrent hero of a Holiday celebrated on the 6th of December, Saint Nicolas is on his way up again in most of Northern Europe despite the disloyal competition with his American descendant : Santa Claus.

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