English catalog

Films 41 - 60 of 97 in total
A Tomb For Khun Srun

A Tomb For Khun Srun SVODVODDVD

Khem looks into her father's history, Khun Srun, a Cambodian writer who joined the ranks of the Khmer Rouge in 1973 and was executed by them in 1978. She meets some survivors, a cousin, an aunt, and workers in a railway workshop who knew her father.

The Name of the 86

The Name of the 86 SVODVODDVD

86 Jews selected in the camp of Auschwitz were deported in the summer of 1943 to the Natzweiler-Struthof camp where a gas chamber was specially equipped to kill them. August Hirt, director of the Anatomical Institute of Strasbourg, wanted a collection of Jewish skeletons, to keep track of this «race who personify a repulsive, yet characteristic subhumanity ». How did this cynical project came to life?

The Good Education

The Good Education SVODVODDVD

The exams are close, the school year is coming to an end for Peipei, a young artist aspirant of a high school of Henan Province, a poor district of China. Abandoned by her parents, scapegoat of her classmates and teachers, this “wild flower” has trouble finding her place.

The Devil's Water

The Devil's Water SVODVODDVD

In Bangladesh, 49 million people are currently contaminated by arsenic contained in the water they consume daily. Not properly informed, abandoned and rejected, these people die in their villages in a total lack of concern.



Sadhana recounts the Odyssey of a young Westerner who follows the call of his soul to India—the land of ancient and spiritual Wisdom of the East. One man’s journey to India, along the mystical Ganges to the majestic Himalaya.



Quebec, Canada. At the summer solstice, a group of young Aboriginals from the Innu and Huron nations and young Quebecers travels the Jesuits’ ancestral trail, 310 km of land and water which links Lac Saint-Jean and Quebec City. 

Closing Your Eyes

Closing Your Eyes SVODVODDVD

September 2005. The Israelis are leaving Gaza. But how about the situation in the West Bank ?
Three Palestinian towns dying of confinement and suffocation : Nablus, the rebellious, lively and loud… Hebron, the resigned, empty and silent… Qalqilya, dying…

Happiness in Twenty Years

Happiness in Twenty Years DVD

This documentary about Czechoslovakia covers the period following World War II, beginning with the Russian occupation of Czechoslovakia in 1945, up to 1970. The famous "defenestration of Prague" is one of the many events discussed. 

Cuba, As time goes by

Cuba, As time goes by SVODVODDVD

Havana 1977: One day I decided to go into exile. This film relates the return to my home town thirty years later. My clandestine camera goes at the bottom of the Cuban society,just as Fidel Castro has officially given the power to his brother Raul. He has held the bridles during forty eight years of absolute power.

The Hermits


An emergency accommodation centre for homeless people, located in the suburbs of Paris. Here, a dozen men, coming from all walks of life, isolated and left out by society, are spending winter in a small temporary community. I call them "The Hermits".

Tumultes (eng)

Tumultes (eng) SVODVODDVD

Patrick is dead. Patrick, the son, the brother. After his death, the whole family gathers in the parents’ home, at the far end of Brittany, by the seaside. How to survive after the beloved one’s death ?

La Tortue sur le dos (eng)

La Tortue sur le dos (eng) SVODVODDVD

Paul, a non-conformist, dynamic and slightly worked up novelist, can not finish his book. Camille who left everything to support him, understands that marital comfort jeopardizes his creativity and kicks him out...

No London Today

No London Today SVODVODDVD

No London Today is an immersion into the world of five young refugees, Chafik, Aron, Abraham, Henok and Ermias, waiting and wandering in Calais, trying illegally to reach England.

Emma's way


Two young women from provincial France, Emma and Thérèse, share the same passion and commitment. As students and then teachers in the prewar Thirties, they ignore convention; they dream of leaving France and raising a child together...

If I had four camels

If I had four camels SVODVODDVD

Composed entirely of still photographs shot by Marker himself over the course of his restless travel through twenty-six countries, If I had four camels stages a probing, at times agitated, search for the meanings of the photographic image.

The living Matrix

The living Matrix DVD

The Living Matrix - The Science of Healing - we bring you breakthroughs that will transform your understanding of how to get well and stay well.
Now you can get an up-close look at the science of information as medicine. Leading researchers and health practitioners share their discoveries on the "miracle cures" traditional medicine can't explain.

Healing ways...

Healing ways... SVODVODDVD

This film addresses a more global aspect of healing. Different visions and points of view on healing are presented. Spiritual healing and healing induced by thoughts are discussed. Do these women and men find their strength in love and faith ?



Bruce Lipton has written "The Biology of Beliefs" and "Spontaneous Evolution" and is a world authority on relationships between science and spirit.

Warrant for the arrest of a researcher

Warrant for the arrest of a researcher

December 1996 : Loïc le Ribault is arrested in France.
His crime :
Prescribing his own unauthorised holistic treatement.
During the 90's, Loic Le Ribault created the G5, a highly successful therapeutic treatment, based on organic silicon.

Earth promised sky

Earth promised sky SVODVODDVD

Day and night, Shida tirelessly draws portraits of her five sons, currently reported missing. Like thousands of other women in Srebrenica, she lives in her dreams and takes part in the protests demanding that justice be done. For the first time in History, a large-scale initiative has been launched to search for the 27.731 people who went missing during the war in Bosnia-Herzegovinia.

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